NYIM Executive Programs enable leader to develop the capacity to transform themselves, their organizations and their communities by offering specialized business education for individual and group learnes which address todady’s business chanllenges and opportunites.
As a result of NYIM Executive Programs, leaners gain useful insight, best-practice methodology and in-practice management techniques to improve busines and career performance. Whether for a new manager with growing responsibilities, a senior manager translating strategy into action or a c-level executive leading in a global era, learning to think differently enhances the ability to address concerns specific to each individual role and maximize impact
Premium Learning Solutions
NYIM’s cutting-edge roster of solutions are for individuals to broaden their perspectives, acquire new professional skills, refresh their knowledge,exceed their goals or gain competitive advantage
Unparalleled Functional Expertise
NYIM executive programs instructors are known for their functional expertise and their abillity to translate the lastest research into practical applications for the workplace, and transmit skills to participants with the best teaching techniques
Flexible Program Structures
NYIM programs may be multi-tiered, cascading knowledge and skills through different levels of the organization using need-specific methodoloay and media
Participants are able to follow our programs regardless of their geographic location, travel schedules and current job responsibilities. The executive design of our programs allows participants to immediately apply the skills they learn and solve real-world problems.
Use our Program Finder to search for courses
hat fit your interests, schedule, or certificate track.
Use our Program Finder to search for courses hat fit your interests, schedule, or certificate track.
very effective and allowed participants to systematically
challenge the conventional wisdom and their own
thinking. The program was very well-organized
and the faculty excellent.”
“The total immersion in the subject for an entire week was very effective and allowed participants to systematically challenge the conventional wisdom and their own thinking. The program was very well-organized and the faculty excellent.”
Senior Marketing Director
Hudson’s Bay Company